B004655 (B004) - MODULO: LINGUA INGLESE 1 (12 CFU) - COGNOMI M-Z 2018-2019
Topic outline
Each individual component of Lingua Inglese 1 must be awarded a “Pass” mark before students are able to register with Profs. Brownlees or Samson, who are the titolari of Lingua Inglese 1.
Before you register on-line you must make sure that all the tests in the Lettorato have been passed. You can do so by checking in advance with your Sounds and Writing teacher. Therefore, DO NOT register for verbalizzazione until you have checked with your Lettorato teachers. Register on-line on the homepage of UNIFI at Prenotazione esami for verbalizzazione.
Furthermore, students must realise that they will not be allowed to sign up for second year English Laboratorio courses (a.a. 2019/20) unless they have already registered Lingua Inglese 1. The last opportunity to register/verbalizzare will be in September 2019.