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The class provides the Basics of archaeological research in the Ancient near East mainly for non archaeologists and aims to give the students Basic knowledge on archaeological method, aims of the discipline, valorization of archaeological excavations and interactions with the local population.

The course develops on three stages:

1. Introduction to history and methods of Research in the archaeology of the Ancient Near East

2. Methods for cultural heritage tourism

3. Project presentation


1. Knowledge of the main Problems concerning cultural heritage safeguarding and understanding of archaeological practice in the Near East.

2. Ability in apllying the knowledge to case studies with a critical and Independent Approach. Critical ability to evaluate and Point out the better strategies to preserve and valorze the cultural heritage. 

3. Ability in presenting a single Project for cultural vaolrization from ist first draft to the Submission for funding.

Exam: Oral exam and Project presentation. Logical skills, ability in presenting the knowledge, critical skills, rethoric skills. Knowledge of technical vocabulary

Anno accademico: 2019-2020
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