Laurea Magistrale in Geography, Spatial Management, Heritage for International Cooperation - Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo (SAGAS)

The class provides the Basics of archaeological research in the Ancient near East (mainly for non archaeologists) and aims to provide the students with the basic knowledge on archaeological methods and aims, of valorization of archaeological heritage with special reference to the relationship to local communities and conflict areas.


Anno accademico: 2020-2021

Introduction to GIS applied to the analysis of environment and space.

Anno accademico: 2020-2021

The course critically addresses the main issues of landscape urbanism and in particular:
- differences between historical cities and suburbs;
- main patterns and forms of suburbs in Europe, the US and in developing countries;
- basic methodologies to study the social life of suburbs;
- representations of suburbs and construction of suburban policies;
- definition and measurement of the main morphologic, functional and infrastructural features of the suburbs;
- evaluation of planning policies for the suburbs.
The course also introduces research in the field of suburban studies and provides some basics of the case study research technique.

For the landscape urbanism section: weekly readings that will be provided on moodle.
For the methodology section:
- Robert K. Yin, Case Study Research: Design and Methods, Sage, 2009.

Knowledge: The course aims to provide advanced knowledge of the suburban world, as well as methodological research skills on the case study research technique.
Skills: description and analysis of the suburbs through proper methodologies; ability to critically analyze suburban policies; ability to develop a case study research on suburbs.

Teaching methods
The course is not taught ex cathedra but through the active participation of students. Some of the activities carried out will be: projection, analysis and discussion of journalistic and filmic texts; collective discussion of weekly readings; collective discussion of the individual exercise. Individual exercise: case study research on a suburban settlement.

Attendance and non attendant students
Attendance is mandatory. Alternatively, it is possible to take the exam as a non-attendant in bibliographical mode.

Evaluation Criteria and Exam
For attendant students: weekly evaluation of learning through classroom discussion of the readings. Final talk on the weekly readings. Evaluation of the individual exercise (case study) and discussion of it.
For non attendant students: in depth oral/written exam on the exam bibliography.

Anno accademico: 2020-2021
The course critically addresses the main issues of urban theory and in particular:
- definitions of cities;
- urban-rural relationship;
- representations of the urban and construction of urban policies;
- history, identity and urban space;
- social diversity and urban conflict.
The course also introduces research in the field of urban theory and provides some basics of the literature review technique.

For the urban theory section: weekly readings that will be provided on moodle.
For the methodology section:
- Chris Hart, Doing a Literature Review. Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination, Sage, 1998.

Knowledge: The course aims to provide advanced knowledge of the relationship between urban theory and urban policies, as well as methodological research skills on the literature review technique.
Skills: ability to critically analyze urban policies; understanding the interdependencies between discursive practices, urban policies, and spatial social dynamics; ability to develop a literature review.

Teaching methods
The course is not taught ex cathedra but through the active participation of students. Some of the activities carried out will be: projection, analysis and discussion of journalistic and filmic texts; collective discussion of weekly readings; collective discussion of the individual exercise. Individual exercise: literature review on a topic agreed with the teacher.

Attendance and non attendant students
Attendance is mandatory. Alternatively, it is possible to take the exam as a non-attendant in bibliographical mode.

Evaluation Criteria and Exam
For attendant students: weekly evaluation of learning through classroom discussion of the readings. Final talk on the weekly readings. Evaluation of the individual exercise (literature review) and discussion of it.
For non attendant students: in depth oral/written exam on the exam bibliography.
Anno accademico: 2020-2021
Anno accademico: 2020-2021

Tutto il Materiale e le altre Attività dell'insegnamento sono reperibili all'insegnamento;


Anno accademico: 2020-2021
Anno accademico: 2020-2021