The European Union is facing unprecedented challenges to its foundational values and basic purposes, nurtured by multiple factors such as the Euro-zone crisis, the refugee crisis, the Brexit process, security concerns, a new wave of nationalism, and serious attempts to the rule of law in some Member States. In this complex and rapidly evolving context, any law student shall be provided with the essential instruments and knowledge to understand the current and potential dynamics of European integration. Accordingly, the course will offer a fresh look at the main aspects of EU institutional law. At the same time, it will offer a close analysis of topics that have dramatically emerged as turning points for the future of the integration process.

The following issues will be covered:

1.     The European Union

2.     The Process of European Integration

3.     The Process of Withdrawing from the European Union

4.     EU Competence: Scope and Nature

5.     The Institutional Framework

6.     The Financing of the EU

7.     EU Law Sources, Lawmaking Procedures and Review of EU Legality

8.     Values and Fundamental Rights in the EU

9.     Differentiated Application of EU Law

10.  Relationship between EU Law and National Law

11.  Citizenship of the European Union

12.  The Economic and Monetary Union and the Governance of the Eurozone (guest lecture)

13.  The EU Migration Policy and the Right to Asylum

14.  The European Arrest Warrant


For more details, see the programme uploaded on Moodle.

Anno accademico: 2017-2018