A Beatiful paper

A Beatiful paper

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I am glad to announce you the event: A Beautiful Paper, a workshop which will take place next Friday in room 101 starting at 10:30 in viale Morgagni. Attached is the event flyer.

During this workshop, 5 of our colleagues in Optimization and Operations Research will present a paper which has been particularly important during their academic career. The constraints of this event are that

  • nobody knows in advance the title of the paper which will be presented, not even the organizers
  • the presenter should have never published a paper with the author of the paper to be presented
  • (sorry, not my fault): presentations will be in italian (but slides are typically in English)....

Of course the scope of this event is quite limited to Optimization and Operations Research,  but the presentations are in general not too technical and usually contain interesting historical notes.