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system composed by decentralized databases, maintained by a distributed network of computers.


Color coin protocol

Method of associating the real world asset with addresses on it. 

Crypto asset

A thing which origins on a blockchain and could have different functions and assume diverse shapes 


A thing which origins on a blockchain and could have different functions and assume diverse shapes 


Domain Network services.

DNS is made to identify the network and information that are routed to the computers. It is like mapping the computer information. 



Piece of information for every block that needs to be verified and validated to be added to a specific database 


Lex cryptographica

Protocols and services that have the capacity to implement their own system of rules on a blockchain-based network


Peer to Peer

Method  of sharing information where the information is divided in multiple parts and shared among the participants 

Peer-to-Peer (P2P)

each peer (or part) in the network that act as both a supplier and consumer of informational resources.

Proof of work

Algorithm needed to complete the execution and settlement of a transaction on a Blockchain

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