Extra Dialogue in Full Transcription for Practice
Extra Dialogue in Full Transcription for Practice
Transcribe the following text into graphic form. Don't' forget to add appropriate punctuation.
Conversation 1: Outside the cinema:
A. /ˈsɒri ˈjaɪm ˈleɪt həv jə bin ˈweɪtɪŋ ˈlɒŋ/
B. / ˈəʊnlij ə ˈkʌpḷ əv ˈmɪnɪts aɪ ˈgɒt ˈheld ʌp ɪn ˈtræfɪk nɪə ðə ˈsteɪʃṇ/
A. / mi: tu: ðæts waɪ jaɪm ˈleɪt ɪts ˈɔ:fʊl ðeə naʊ ðeɪv ˈstɑ:tɪd ˈdu:ɪŋ ðəʊz ˈrəʊdwɜ:ks fə ðə ˈtræmlaɪn/
B. /ˈlets ˈbaɪj aʊə ˈtɪkɪts ˈkwɪkli ðə fɪlmz əˈbaʊt tə bɪˈgɪn/
Ultime modifiche: lunedì, 1 gennaio 2018, 16:18