AVVISO per Summer School

AVVISO per Summer School

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Dear All

as part of the training program of our PhD course, the 6th edition of Summer School ART (Advanced Research in turbomachinery) will be organized this year as in person event between June 27th an July 1st. In the attached leaflet you may find details about lectures program and the venue. The School is normally thought for PhD at the first year but all of you are invited to join if it fits your research interests.

As Phd students of the DIEF you are entitled to register with a strongly discounted rate (200€) to be refunded as normal travel costs by your tutor. To access discounted registration you need to ask a discount code by sending an email to art.summerschool@dief.unifi.it (please specify your name and tutor)

Registration page and additional details are available on Summer School website (http://art.dief.unifi.it).

Kind Regards

Antonio Andreini