PhDinfo seminars: schedule change and questionnaire

PhDinfo seminars: schedule change and questionnaire

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  1. Due to the coincidence with final exams of cycle XXXI students, our PhDinfo seminar of Friday  April 12th is canceled and postponed to Friday May 10th - you are all invited to follow the public PhD defenses on Friday morning (1030) and afternoon (1400), DINFO meeting room second floor v S Marta.

  2. The audience to these seminars is too low, I can understand some of your reasons, but I think it is not acceptable that one of your colleagues devotes so much time and effort to prepare a nice presentation and nobody is interested in listening. This happened in particular last time and I was very sad in noticing that the audience was composed of researchers and not of PhD students. I cannot think of a PhD student without curiosity, in particular for fields which are very far from his/her research topic. This PhD period is your great opportunity to expand your knowledge towards unexpected fields. As a minimum, participating is just kind action towards a student like you. Think of yourself, after  a  great effort, presenting to a tiny audience. So I will profit of this pause before the next seminar to possibly change the organization. 

  3. I have prepared a questionnaire in order to improve our Seminar organization, You are all requested to answer this questionnaire (the sooner the better, but, in any case, not later than April 30th). I will then summarize and take actions. Please recall: this feedback is requested from all PhD students.