In order to make sure that you don't forget all the things you learned during the 1st Semester and are ready for the 2nd Semester, do the following Exercises. Bring your answers (print them up into a hard copy to hand in) to the first lesson of the 2nd  Semester. This work is a compulsory component of the course.

1. Transcribe the following words:

1) teach                                          11) cream

2) sure                                            12) stands

3) where                                         13) new

4) rank                                            14) others

5) knew                                           15) squeeze

6) fix                                                16) wolf

7) should                                         17) juice

8) talk                                              18) months

9) tongue                                        19) tax

10) mouse                                      20) alone

2)  Transcribe the following words into graphic form:

1) /ˈɜ:bən/

2) /sɑ:ˈkæstɪk/

3) /rɪˈmu:v/

4) /’rezəˈlu:ʃṇ/

5) /əˈmeɪzɪŋ/

6) /ˈbʌtəflaɪ/

7) /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntmənt/

8) /səkˈ sesfʊl/

9) /ˈdɪkʃənri/

10) /ˈpeŋgwɪnz/

3)  'To', 'too' and 'two' are homophones, that is, words which have the same pronunciation (and thus phonemic transcription: /tu:/) but different graphic form and semantic meaning. Try to find at least 10 other pairs of words (or triple homophones like 'to', too' and 'two') like this and write down the words and their transcription.

4) Transcribe the following sentences into graphic form, including appropriate punctuation. The phonemic transcription includes word stress and weak forms

1) /aɪ ˈri:li ˈwɒntɪd ju tə ˈdu: səm ˈpræktɪs səʊ ðət ju ˈdəʊnt fəˈget haʊ tə ˈdu:w ɪt/

2) /ˈwi:kˈfɔ:mz ˈni:d lɒts əv ˈgetɪŋ ˈju:st tu: səʊw ɪts ə ˈgʊd aɪˈdɪə tə ˈget ˈstɑ:tɪd əz su:n əz ˈpɒsɪb/

3) /ɔ:lˈðəʊ ðeə wə ˈmeni ˈsentənsɪz ɪn fʊl ˌtrænsˈkrɪpʃṇ ɪn ðə dɪˈspense sʌm əv ju: stɪl ˈsi:m tə ˈni:d mɔ: ˈprækɪs/

4) /ˈdəʊnt ˈwʌri wi:l bi ˈdu:wɪŋ lɒts əv mɔ: ˈfɔ:məl wɜ:k ɒn ðɪs ɪn ðə nekst səˈmestə/

5) /fə naʊ ʤʌst ˈdu: wɒt ju: ˈkæn ṇd ɪnˈʤɔɪˈ jəˈselvz/

5)  The homophonous words 'or', awe', 'oar' and 'ore' are  (all) transcribed by just one phoneme: /ɔ:/. Try to find five other words which are transcribed by just one phoneme.

6.  The word 'bed' and its transcription /bed/ seem to be identical (which is why we use the diagonal lines to indicate phonemes!). Try to find at least ten other words which have this characteristic. What do they all have in common?

7. Do the 'Non-existent Words' Dictation in our section of the page. The Answers are available in the file below it so you can mark this your self.

Modifié le: vendredi 28 décembre 2018, 17:55