B004655 (B004) - MODULO: LINGUA INGLESE 1 (12 CFU) - COGNOMI M-Z 2018-2019
Topic outline
Office hours VSR Room 24: Thursdays 9-11 a.m.
For an appointment please send an email to: elizabethrose.sherman@unifi.it
Please complete the anonymous on-line survey for your course. Thank you.
In order to complete your TEXTS course, you are required to take part in the end-of-course survey at this link. There are 10 questions and the survey will take approximately two minutes to complete. The survey is completely anonymous.
In order to complete your TEXTS course, you are required to take part in the end-of-course survey at this link. There are 10 questions and the survey will take approximately two minutes to complete. The survey is completely anonymous.