•                                                 The Street : linguistic aspects   
    NEXT OFFICE HOURS(by appointment) Room 24 Thurs 14th Feb 11am, Mon. 25th Feb 1pm. Fri 1st March 1pm 
    Dott.ssa Sainsbury

    This course takes place in the first semester.

    Thursday 17-19 Room 10 vSR

    Office Hours  Friday 11-13 Room 24 vSR 


    We take as a point of departure the study of various aspects of contemporary urban culture such as graffiti, street art, subvertising, poetry performed or posted on the street and publications by the homeless to investigate the particular forms of language necessary to describe these phenomena.  Bibliography: Cedar Lewisohn, Street Art, (London, Tate Publishing, 2008), Gerard Benson, Judith Chernaik, Cicely Herbert, 100 Poems on the Underground, (London, Cassell Publishers Limited, 1991).

    The aim is to widen the students’ lexis and to refine their written and oral skills and critical abilities in analysing texts and describing visual images. To achieve these objectives, the students do in-class pair and group work, oral presentations, short written assignments, also of a creative nature, and a final written exam. The assignments, presentation and exam are assessed for the final mark.

    Students should buy the booklet available at Copisteria X, via San Gallo. 72r from Friday 22nd September and should bring it to the first lesson.

    Non-attenders or students who miss lessons should also collect the file of additional material handed out in class and may have to research topics on internet.

    Well done to all for the exam results, which were good. If you have any queries please contact me by mail. You can look at your corrected work in January. Have a good Christmas break and a Happy New Year! Thank you to all those who participated in the reading on 8th December.