B004655 (B004) - MODULO: LINGUA INGLESE 1 (12 CFU) - COGNOMI M-Z 2018-2019
Indice degli argomenti
Sounds of English
Thursday 15.00 -17.00 Aula 19 VSG
Friday 13.00-15.00 Aula 10 VSR
Next office hours: Monday 9th September 1-3 pm. Monday 9th September at 3pm is also the first date available for students who need to retake all or part of their Sounds of English exam. Please write an email to me at the beginning of September if you wish to retake on this date.
Thursday group: Thursday 16th 15.30 Room 7 vSR (8 students)
Thursday 23rd 13.00 Room 20 via San Gallo( 12 students)
15.00 Room 7 vSR (12 students)
17.00 Room 10 VSR (12 students)
Friday 24th 15.00 Room 10 vSR (8 students)
Friday group: Friday 24th 13.00 Room 19 via San Gallo (11 students)